Friday, November 11, 2016

So that happened.

Forgive us, we've been a little under the weather.

I... don't really have words strong enough for what just happened. That it happened in a democracy with checks and balances is good for as long as it lasts. There's plenty of damage that can be done within that framework though. The registration and deportation of undocumented immigrants and muslims, the denial of safe harbor to refugees (who, let's face it, will probably not want to come here now anyway), the end of positive movement on climate change, the return of the nuclear hair trigger. The end of all manner of protections for federal workers. Our trade agreements and allegiances ignored or exploded.

And that's before we get to the legitimization of a bunch of shitty attitudes that look something like this:

And the banalization and broad acceptance of same, which, as I keep saying, looks like this:

At least, in essence. Now, of course, I could be wrong, and exaggerating, and everything could be fine, and no one will get hurt, and no one will get killed. Except it's already started happening, and the only thing that I can think of good to say is that at least it isn't silent- we're hearing about it, and people are fighting it. 

You WANT people to fight it. Oh, there's Trump Supporters saying that people shouldn't protest (including Himself), that people should just roll over and accept and be happy. Of course President Obama is taking it on the chin. He has to. He is the representative of the Republic, and it is his job to make sure the mechanisms of the republic remain intact as long as they are his responsibility, because that is what a good man does. But you want, you need, the rest of us to fight this, to not accept it, to protest and to resist. Because that's what good people do. They don't close their eyes and hope for the best. They don't refuse to see what's happening. They don't deny it when other people are getting killed or rounded up; they keep their eyes open to make sure it doesn't start. 

I mean, I did everything I'm saying good people don't do, once. No more. 

Goosestepping is so over.

Thursday, October 6, 2016


Some people will tell you not to read the comments, but me, I am all about, Oh GOD READ THE COMMENTS BECAUSE LULZ and also not funny anymore.

Nothing is very much fun, anymore.

(Okay, I also kind of love these titles, from the article above:)

New York Times: In ‘Hitler,’ an Ascent From ‘Dunderhead’ to Demagogue — "How did Adolf Hitler — described by one eminent magazine editor in 1930 as a 'half-insane rascal,' a 'pathetic dunderhead,' a 'nowhere fool,' a 'big mouth' — rise to power in the land of Goethe and Beethoven? What persuaded millions of ordinary Germans to embrace him and his doctrine of hatred? How did this 'most unlikely pretender to high state office' achieve absolute power in a once democratic country and set it on a course of monstrous horror?"
The Wall Street Journal: So Many Hitlers — "Hitler, of course, never went away in the first place. Since the immediate postwar period there has been a steady stream of biographical studies of the highest quality. Their successive struggles to make sense of a figure who was as personally inscrutable as he was politically destructive bear witness to the continuing fascination exerted by one of history’s most notorious men."

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Nazi shooter goes on rampage OH WAIT NOT ACTUALLY A JOKE.

Hey guess what guys? This happened. Dude in Nazi gear seriously shot up a bunch of people in Houston.

Things you don't really know what to say about, because fucking really?

On the other hand, we have these kind of awesome jewish grandparents, who will fucking haunt you if you vote for Trump. I think this is a mitzvot.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Just like dear old Big Daddy.

So, I don't usually reference Huffington Post here, since, much like Breitbart, they couldn't find unbiased with bloodhounds and the SS. That said, there's a reason I am linking this one, which is that they're saying the thing I'd be saying, and they're saying it with panache:

Though seriously, find the articles that quote how Chris Christie phrased all this shit. It totes makes one miss Hermann Goering. I mean, it's almost comforting to have someone that self-consciously corrupt hanging about.


Friday, March 18, 2016

Absurdism in the Flesh.

So, there's been an awful lot of well intentioned backlash to the temptation to make Hitler comparisons to Donald Trump. And I get it, I do. I mean, I, who have been a right proper bullhorn trumpeting abuses of Godwin's Law from Reducto ad Hitlerium (AKA, Pants Logic), to denouncing the hilarious hyperbole of comparing anything you don't like to Bad Things(tm). And it's true that the Hitler metaphor has been so widely and thoroughly played, that it lacks the punch it might have if we'd saved it for things that actually, no shit, invoked the repressive, totalitarian ambitions of the 3rd Reich, the ghettoizations and the genocidal policies of the Shoah, and the bizarre everyone for himself, smash and grab mentality that permeated pretty much everyone.

And let's face it, you're not likely to see a one-for-one repeat of what Big Daddy and the Sunshine Friends did. The situation that sparked it- namely the Versailles Treaty and the limitations on the German army- meant that the SA could grow large enough to overwhelm the legitimate authorities. And that's not likely to happen in the US (Iraq and Syria, on the other hand...). But that doesn't mean that there aren't important similarities that will, if left unchecked, lead to a 3rd Reich style situation.

1) Round up all the immigrants and deport them, huh?

Y'know, once mass expulsion was on the table at all, my ears sure started to twitch. It doesn't take much for expulsions to change into worse shit. Even if Ike tried it, it was wrong then and it's still wrong now. Even FDR fucked up sometimes.

Oh yeah, speaking of which, let's look at what immigration looks like currently, shall we?

Furthermore, there's definitely no way that this kind of policy could turn into persecution of brown people for looking brown, or causing problems for genuine asylum seekers. Nope. Not at alllll.

2) Register all the Muslims in a database, huh?

Can't think of any way that could go Nazi in a hurry.

3) The War Crimes. Oh man, the War Crimes.

Now, Trump isn't the only one promising to carry out War Crimes. But between the Sippenhaft thing, the illegal torture thing, and agreeing with Cruz on the broadbase bombing thing, there's a lot here to make the Geneva Convention curl back in a corner and beg daddy to stop drinking. 

4) Limitations on Freedom of the Press.

No, you can't actually re-write libel laws or blow up the existing precedent on libel laws so that people can't say mean things about you. But thanks for playing.

5) Popular anger that blames economic stagnation on ethnic minorities cast as disloyal. 

This is the big one, and the one that is like, whether or not Trump himself is a good Hitler cognate, his supporters are a REALLY good NSDAP, Polish populace cognate. The anger and fear and hatred towards non-whites and immigrants is really very... 1933 Germany and Poland. The problem here isn't exactly Trump himself. But the presence of Trump gives voice to a lot of these elements, and that is the Hitlerian part. Also, if it wasn't Trump riling people up, it'd likely be Cruz, who is just mildly better at not peppering his rhetoric with promises of war crimes.

But until the people who think that voting for Trump is a good idea because either a) they agree with all the jingoistic, nationalistic bullshit he spews or because b) they don't really care about the jingoistic, nationalistic bullshit part, but think somehow he's going to make good paying jobs appear, get past their very narrow, personal, All For Me And Mine perspectives, we are going to keep having these demagogues crop up dripping rhetoric that wouldn't be out of place for the opening number of Darling Adolphe's Dancing Stormtrooper Review. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

But really, this is where shit stops being funny.

So there's this thing here, which Politifact rightly calls a war crime.

So, you know who else had pants thought the families of enemies of the state should be held liable for their actions?

Yep, you guessed it.

So, this is the moment when you're like... but wait, that isn't absurd. This is a real example of a paranoid and increasingly unstable authoritarian dictator implementing a brutal and internationally condemned policy, and doing the same thing ACTUALLY DOES REFLECT POORLY ON YOU.

This isn't like wearing the same pants AT ALL!

No, no it isn't.


I miss Ernst Rhoem.

I'm just going to leave this here.

So, there's this.

This, is the first NY Times article about Big Daddy. They say that sure, he's not so anti-Semetic as all that. He's just saying so for votes.

Yeah, that happened.